
Sunday, December 28, 2008


On Christmas day, we went to Moab to spend the weekend with my family. We had a good time playing lots of games and eating a lot!
On Saturday, we went on the mountain and went tubing. It was really cold and lots of fun.


We spent Christmas in Mayfield with Shane's family this year. We had such a good time! Here is what happened in the nutshell.....
Christmas Eve:

Santa stopped by and gave us all pajama pants
The kids acted out the Christmas cute!
Christmas Morning:
Santa came, Kennedi comes out and yells "this is the best Christmas ever!"
SO FUN!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Baby Pictures

I had my 8th ultrasound yesterday. It's always so fun to see our baby boy. This time, we could actually see him cute! We got some really cute pictures of him........
This one was my favorite. You can totally see his lips and nose, but his fist is right in front of his eye.
You can kind of see his profile in this one.

See all the fuzziness around his head??? She said it looks like he has a lot of hair. YAY!
At my last doctor's appointment, he told me that if I haven't had him by the 20th of Jan, then he would induce on that day. That is just so crazy, 1 month from today!! I'm so excited to meet this little guy.

Family Picture

When we were in Moab for Thanksgiving, we went out and had my parents snap a few pictures of us for our Christmas card. This is the only I liked out of all of them. Big, Fat, Pregnant, and Pictures just don't mix!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Fun

This year we've had so much fun getting ready for Christmas. Kennedi is totally into she keeps me on the ball.

Last night we made this gingerbread house that she had been so excited for. Her favorite part of course was eating the candy. As soon as we were done, and took this picture, she started begging me to let her eat it.....ugh, oh well, it only took us 2 hours to decorate....go ahead and destroy it sweetheart :-)
This is what it looks like today :-(
This morning we woke up to a little bit of she wanted to go out and make a "Frosting the Snow Man", snow balls, and snow angels (this is the first time it has ever snowed at our house since she has been born, so she is loving it).
She hates her snow pants.....she thinks they are too fat.
I know...our snowman is kind of lame, but we had very little snow to work with, and I'm almost 8 months Pregnant.....kind of hard to bend over at this point.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Tag

1. Wrapping paper or Gift bags? Wrapping paper, and this year Kennedi has been a big helper.
2. Real Tree or Artificial? Artificial---way easier.
3. When do you put your tree up? Around Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take your tree down? After New Years sometime.
5. Do you like eggnog? If I'm really in the mood.
6. Favorite gift ever received? My wedding ring (Shane purposed to me on Christmas of 2000)
7. Hardest person to buy for? This year....SHANE! He won't give me any ideas.
8. Easiest person to buy for? Kennedi, I always go way overboard on her.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No
10. Mail or e-mail Christmas Cards? I make homemade cards and mail them every year.
11. Worst Christmas present? When I was about 7, I got a scooter (it was actually a skateboard with a stick for handle bars) that I was happy with, until my cousin came over with his REAL scooter.....wasn't happy anymore!!
12. Favorite/Worst Christmas movie? Christmas Vacation and The Christmas Story.
13. When do you start shopping? Black Friday.
14. Have you recycled a gift? Not that I remember.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas time? LOTS of chocolate.
16. Lights on tree? White.
17. Favorite Christmas song? hmmm....This year probably Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, Kennedi is always singing it.
18. Travel on Christmas or stay home? TRAVEL...We hit my parent's house and Shane's parent's house every year, it is exhausting!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Of course!
20. Angel on top of tree or star? Neither. We have a Bow
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve? One present...PJ's
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? NOTHING!
23. Favorite ornament? All of them. We collect Hallmark ornaments.
24. Favorite food for Christmas dinner? Reindeer milk with Reeses peanut butter cups....YUM
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? A happy little girl :-)
26. Tag friends! Marci, Lindsey, Kiersten, & Carly

Friday, December 5, 2008

Kennedi's Letter to Santa

Kennedi wanted to write a letter to Santa to tell him what she wants for Christmas. I thought she did such a cute job, she is starting to color so good! If you can't read it (some of it got cut off), she wants a Pink Nintendo DS & Pet Shop Game.

She is so excited for Christmas. We put up all of our decorations on Monday, and she loved helping me. She gets up every morning and plugs in all the lights around the house. She's also really excited to make Santa cookies for when he comes.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Playing in the Sticks

Last weekend, all my family went out by Dead Horse Point, and had lunch, rode 4-wheelers, and shot guns. It was cold, but we had a good time.
Kennedi loved being in charge of the skeet shooter

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Big 28

Yes, I am 28-years-old today. We are in Moab with my family, and we are all going out in the desert to have lunch and ride 4-wheelers.
I'm not to happy about getting older. All to soon, my baby will turn 5, I will celebrate my 8th wedding anniversary, and have my 10 year high school reunion-YIKE!

This was my birthday present, the LG Dare. Is is pretty cool....I'm really excited about it :-)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

UTI Nightmare!!!!!!

Kennedi woke up on Saturday morning complaining of a really bad tummy ache. I thought it was probably just the flu until she went to the bathroom and said it hurt to pee. I knew right then, that she would be getting a fever pretty soon, and that she had another UTI. This is the 4th time she has had one, and on the 3rd one, our doctor warned us that if she came back with another one, he'd have to run some tests to see what was going on.
So when I took her in yesterday, and they confirmed that it was a UTI, they scheduled her for a Voiding cystourethrogram, which is an x-ray of the bladder and urethra. They had to put a catheter in and insert a dye into her bladder to to check for any reflux.

When we got there, she was pretty excited to get an x-ray, and thought it was cool to get in a hospital gown. Then the nurse came in and we tried to explain the catheter to her, and she seemed ok with it.

Then when the nurses started to put it in, she FREAKED out. Poor thing, I felt so bad for her. We were all holding her down while she was screaming "let me go, I can't breath", and anyone who knows Kennedi, knows how loud she can scream.
Well the first one would not go in, so they went and got a smaller one, and sent me and Analee out of the room for attempt #2. I could hear her yelling for me, and I just wanted to burst into tears myself. They did get it in though, and then she was able to calm down.

Then they had to put the dye in her. Here is Grandma Analee doing treasure hunt on her tummy to distract her.

They took 4-5 x-rays, and then she was all done. I was so proud of her. That was a lot for a 4-year-old to go through. Now we just have to wait for the test results.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

30 WEEKS!!!

I am now 30 weeks pregnant and feeling great. I have a feeling the next 10 (hopefully less) weeks will fly by with the holidays coming up. Lately I have been a little obsessive with sewing for this little guy. I decided to make all of his bedding (I'll post pics of it later), and I've also made him some blankets. It has been a lot of fun getting ready for his arrival.

Ok...on to my TWILIGHT review:
I totally loved it! I think I smiled the whole way through it. I thought Bella and Edward were totally perfect for the parts. I could tell it was a low budget film though, hopefully they put a little more into the making of New Moon.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK........only 6 hours until TWILIGHT!!!! I'm so excited!! We are doing a girls night out, starting at Denny's (lack of options in our little town), then heading to Gunnison to stand in line so we can get a good seat.

So I just have to comment on my mom. She is even more excited then I am (is that possible?? apparently so). They weren't going to do a midnight showing in Moab, so her and her friend went and talked the owner of the movie theater into letting them buy out the theater and just sell the tickets themselves, which they had no problem doing. Then, they got shirts to wear to it, and they bought a bunch of twilight stuff (posters, pins, shirts, CDs) to raffle off before they start the movie. They also got these to put in the lobby to greet people.......
HA HA....She is going to kill me for posting this :-)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend Update....

Saturday was November 15th...which means the first day of open enrollment for Medicare.....which is what Shane sells for Humana. For about the last month, he has been working non-stop, doing seminars and signing people up to get ready for this. So on Saturday, Shane and I started in Salina, and made our way north through Sanpete County, stopping at every little town, and ending in Fountain Green. He had to pick up enrollment forms from everyone he has sold in the past month. We ended up picking up about 110 forms by the end of the night. As of right now, he is the top agent out of his office...Good Job Shane! I'm so grateful that he has a job that he absolutely loves and is so giddy about (plus it helps that he has a way with elderly people...they just seem to love him).

So while we drove around, we left Kennedi at Grandma and Grandpa Hoo Hoo's (Shane's parents, Kennedi named them that a few years ago). When I called her that evening to check on her, she told me all the things they did that day and told me, "I've had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa".

She is so funny. We call her the "Grandparent Player". She loves all of her grandparents so much. It doesn't matter which one it is, but if she is with them, she goes out of her way to make them think they are her absolute favorite by hugging on them, and saying stuff like: "your the best grandma/grandpa ever". Even if it's her great grandparents that she rarely sees. She also does this to her friends' grandparents, which sometimes is a little embarrassing. But we all get a kick out of it.

Here are some pics from Saturday....

Monday, November 10, 2008

We Got Hit!!!

Yes...we got hit hard with the FLU. Yesterday, when we got home from church, I started feeling really crampy and it made me a little nervous. I tried to lay down for a while, but instead, started puking my guts out. I called my doctor, and he told me to go to the hospital to get checked. It ended up being a night filled with lots of FUN tests (girls, you know what I'm talking about), an ultrasound, and being hooked up to lots of monitors to watch the baby and an IV for the rest of the night.
The good news is, our little guy is perfectly fine, and measuring a week and a half ahead, and weighs almost 3lbs.
When I talked to Shane this morning, he told me that Kennedi had been up all night throwing up too. Poor thing, I felt so bad that I wasn't there for her. But Shane did a good job. She managed to throw up on the couch, and my bed....Twice. So he had that all cleaned up for me.
It is so nice to live by family. Shane's parents took Kennedi last light during all my testing, and then my mom drove over and helped us out early this morning. So a big thanks to them. Now lets just hope we didn't pass it on to anyone.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Kennedi looked so cute all dressed up tonight as The Little Mermaid. Her grandma Madsen made her costume and did such a good job. We went trick-or-treating around my old neighborhood, and Kennedi got LOTS of candy. She would go up to the doors all by herself, and wasn't afraid to tell the people if she didn't like that kind of candy, or if they had a dog, she would ask if she could come in and pet it....kind of embarrassing, since I know most of the people, but that is Kennedi.

Kennedi, Mikenzee, and Brayden

Like my costume???? Yes that is painted on :-)


My cousin Michael has an English Bulldog named Olive, and on Wednesday she had 1 puppy. We went out to see her today, and when Kennedi was holding her, Olive came right over and took her out of her hands. It was so funny how protective she was over her little baby, maybe it's because she only had one, but I have never seen a dog act that way before. When someone would come over close to them, Olive would lay on the puppy so you couldn't see her.