
Monday, August 25, 2008

Sanpete County Fair

We had so much fun this weekend at the Sanpete County Fair in Manti. On Thursday, we went to the demolition derby. I had never been to one before, and it was way fun. I think about 5or 6 cars flipped over, so that added to the excitement.

Gotta love Kennedi....dancing away, not caring that there are hundreds of strange people all around her.

We had a perfect view of the temple from where we were was so beautiful when it started to get dark.

On Friday, my parents and little brother Matthew came to our house. My dad hauled his Camaro over so he could take it to the burn out in Manti. They blocked off Main St and wet it down so that all the old cars could burn out on it, and then cruise down Main. Every time my dad went through, he took someone from Shane's family for a ride, it was pretty fun.

On Saturday, my mom and I went shopping in Richfield (exciting huh...they do have some cute stores) and Shane, my dad, Matthew, and Kennedi went back to Manti to go to the car show and to the carnival. Kennedi had a blast. She is really tall for her age and totally fearless, so she could go on all but one ride. She went on the Tilt a Whirl with Matthew, the Ferris Wheel with Shane, and the swings all by herself.

Kennedi and Matthew (Uncle Bodee)


  1. wow Matthew is grown up! He looks cute. Send me more pictures of the family! I know you took more than what is on your blog

  2. Shanell...I just have to laugh at all the things you did this weekend...Demolition Derby, a 'burn out' just cracks me up!
    The fair looks like fun. Alexis is a bit of a wimp and doesn't like rides...crazy girl!
    I also love how you have a great view of the temple while watching cars Demo each other!

  3. Yes I do have a lot of time on my hands! It's freaking hot, I'm too exhausted and fat to do anything anyway and I'm practically a single mom since I only see Matt for about an hour a day. Life is... ugh. I see a cute little baby bump poking out of you!!

  4. LMAO I am CRYING watching Kennedi dance to "Whoop There it is". She is SO you. I can just watch it over and over where did she get those cool moves?
