
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2 weeks old already??

Yesterday we took Daxton in for his 2 week check-up. He weighs 6lb 8oz (5th percentile), and is now 20 3/4 in long (50th percentile). We got him circumcised, and it was so sad. I stayed in the room to be with him. So crazy to see how they do it. We also did another bilirubin test, and his levels were down to 9.4. Woohoo!!!! No more STUPID lights. We can finally hold our baby.


  1. What, no pic?! Yep, doesn't it go by so fast? Mia is in the 90th percentile for weight... 50th for height

  2. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WATCHED IT! You are crazy girl! I was in the waiting room while Steve watched it! I was so stressed that day! I really wish they did them in the hospital still...although it wouldn't have helped me but still! And just in case you were wondering...I am working on his gift. It may take a bit of time since I am feeling like crap but I will pull out of it!

  3. I can't believe you could handle that! All four boys went with the nurse or doctor. I was not up for that! Anthony was the only one who didn't cry. He laid there and pooped while they did it. I never really worried about them like I was sending the in alone because I knew whoever took care of them. They do it in the hospital here so Aden and Jackson were taken by the Dr and brought back by him. I wanted them to see me as the person who saved them from that horror. I do that with the shots too. I make the nurses or dad be the bad guy.

  4. PS I agree with your friend lindsey about no pics..

    I am shocked you didn't take a pic! Don't you guys have a personal photographer just follow you guys everywhere? You always get the shots!~ :)

  5. I really can't believe you stayed in the room..poor little guy. it is a good thing they heal pretty fast. Enjoy him being small they grow so stinking fast. New babies are so special. Daxton is adorable in the pics:)

  6. Hey I just stumbled on your blog! So cute. I can't believe how cute little Daxton is. I know how you feel about time going by so fast Madi is already seven weeks! Give Daxton extra kisses today-POOR BOY! -Cristan

  7. Yay! I'm so glad he doesn't have to be under the lights anymore. I cannot believe you watched the circumcision. I would've passed out if it were me. How come they didn't do it at the hospital when he was born?

  8. He is so darling! I can't believe that he has so much stinkin' hair! I watched Jaggar get his too! It is sooo sad, but has to be done! HOpe to see you soon!!!

  9. Im so glad you are done with the lights. That would be such a pain! He is getting so big and so fast. It makes me sad how fast they grow. Landon is already 3 months! Time flies by!

  10. Congratulations! He is simply adorable! Love the hair too.
