
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Almost Time

I met with my doctor today, and measured at 35 wks, which is a week and a half behind what I should measure. I am scheduled to be induced on Saturday....Wow, how crazy is that!! I have an ultrasound on Thursday, and if my fluid has dropped at all, then I will be induced right then.

I can't believe we are getting ready to meet our baby boy. When I think of everything we went through to get to this point, it just blows me away. There were times when I thought I'd never get pregnant again, and that was a very hard thing to deal with. He truly is our little miracle!! I can't imagine the overwhelming joy I'll feel when I can finally hold him in my arms.

I have loved being pregnant with him. I guess after wanting it so bad, waiting over 3 years, & spending over $20,000 (he is worth every penny!) realize how special it really is to be pregnant, to be able to feel hiccups (which he has right now) and all the kicks & wiggles......It's amazing!

I think that we have everything ready for him to come. Here is his crib with the bedding I made. I am really happy with the way it turned out. He and Kennedi will be sharing a room, I'm not thrilled about it, but Kennedi is so excited! She is going to be such a good big sister.

I just want to thank all of you who have left me comments to show your support, and those of you who have been texting me for really means a lot to me. :-)


  1. Your quilt turned out great.... way to go!

  2. I will be thinking of you! I know how that all goes working so hard to get them and paying so much which I agree is worth every penny and enjoying being pregnant for it all to end so soon and for it to be scary! Good luck, I will be checking for updates, I am excited for you.

  3. I am so excited for you! Everything is going to work out great! He's going to be gorgeous. I can't wait to see pictures. Take care of yourself the next few days. BTW, I love the crib bedding. Good job!

  4. A. You still hardly look pregnant
    B. That bedding is so freaking cute, send me a pattern or something, I still haven't found any bedding I like for Mia!
    C. Are you naming him Daxton? That's what Kennadi said...I don't know if you knew, but I think she was playing with your phone and called me by accident. She and Blake talked for 22 minutes!

    I can't believe he's almost here either. And to think, I knew him back when he was nothing but a speck in a petri dish... ;)

  5. wow, i can't believe you will have your little guy here in just a few days. I am so excited for you. You have been through trial after trial, he really is such a miracle. I hope all goes well and I can't wait to see his cute pictures. And Btw I agree with Lindsey, you look tiny in your pictures and your bedding is amazing.

  6. WOW-I am impressed with your sewing skills! Really-it is great!
    I cant wait to hear what happens on Thursday! You guys have been in our prayers! It is crazy how some of us struggle to have a baby and others have the easiest time!

  7. Super cute bedding!! And I agree you BARELY look pregnant, ugh, Im totally jealous, although Im sure you still feel super pregnant.

  8. hey, thats good news, he'll be here so soon! i was induced with gracie and i thought it was so weird to know exactly when she was coming, it was a little nerve racking thinking about it constantly. i am so excited for you though! these boys are so fun and special in a different way from girls. you'll love having one of each. i really love your crib bedding! it really turned out cute you are amazing! good job and good luck!i can't wait to see pics of the little guy!

  9. So excited for you Shanell! I can't wait to see him! Your bedding is amazing...I wish I had your sewing skills. You should be getting our package either today or tomorrow!

  10. VERY CUTE bedding! I'm very jealous of your talent! :) I'm very excited for you guys to meet your little one! I hope that things go well and that you and your little one are healthy! We'll keep you in our thoughts!!!
    Please keep us posted when our little guy's buddy arrives!!!

  11. How exciting! Can't wait to see the the little guy! And by the way, I love your bedding. How cute!!

  12. Holy Cow! That is tomorrow! Good Luck! I can't wait to see him! Way cute bedding!!!

  13. I am so excited for you guys. Hopefully everything went ok for you at the dr today. You will have to text and let us know when the little guy is here. It truley is a miracle the whole being prego and being able to have babies. We love our little guys to. Kenna is going to love him. Good luck and let us know how you guys are doing.

  14. Oh me oh my...... I can't believe he's almost here either!!! I'm super excited!! Good luck with the big day, lots of love~ Mandii
    PS. I hate how dang good at EVERYTHING you are, that bedding looks like something right out of the stinkin' Pottery Barn- GREAT WORK ;)
