When I went back to my doctor on Dec 30th, I was 35 weeks 3 days along, and only measured 33 weeks. UGH!! Then he told me that I needed to repeat the ultrasound because they were sure that the baby was measured wrong. Everything on him measured a week ahead, except for his abdomen, which measured like 3 weeks behind.
So after passing another non-stress test, we did another ultrasound to find the same measurements, and also find that I am very low on amniotic fluid....great!. :-(
Yesterday, I had to go in for another non-stress test, and to check to see if I was leaking fluid....which I am not.
I have to have another non-stress test on Monday, meet with my doctor on Tuesday, have another Ultrasound on Wednesday, and if things haven't got worse, he is hoping we can keep the baby in at least until Monday, Jan 12th, if not, then we'll be having him next week.
I have been really nervous, but with all of the non-stress tests, they say the baby looks happy, so I am trying not to worry too much. They think that he just isn't getting the nutrients he needs...so he would be better off out here.
So I guess we'll know more next week.
That is scary! I'm sorry! I guess that Heavenly Father just wants to make sure that we appreciate the HECK out of these little guys!!!! :) Which we will after the roller coasters we've been through! :) We'll keep you and your little guy in our prayers!!
ReplyDeleteKeep us posted!
I'm sorry that you are having a rough week. Try not to stress. I'm sure everything will work out great. He's going to be perfect. I'll be thinking of you!
ReplyDeleteMake sure you catch up on your sleep now! If he's anything like Chase, he'll keep you up all the time. I don't even know what day it is half of the time.
Oh that is nerve wracking! I am sure that is the only thing on your mind! I will keep you and of course your baby boy in my prayers, I'm sure everything will be fine! Yeah you will get to meet him very soon!!!
ReplyDeleteHey I know that's scary but hang in there. That's exactely what happened when I was pregnant with Hunter, except I only found out 2 days before they induced me that I was going to have to have him (3 weeks early) They told me they thought that my placenta was failing or dying early and that's why he stopped growing because he wasn't getting the nutrients he needed, but when they checked it after birth it was fine?? Anyway I'm sure he's just as excited to get out as you are to get him out. GOOD LUCK!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you are having such a crazy time!! I remember thoes days, I had to go in once or twice a week for non stress tests and they told me i might have to deliver cuz my fluid was too low...then my blood pressure went thru the roof so the took the girls 4 weeks early because of that. But they were healthy as full term babys so keep your optimizm up! and we will keep you in our prayers!!
ReplyDeleteI hope everything goes good for you. That happened to me also, the baby and i had lost weight, things were measuring wrong and felt like all I did was sit and listen to the heart beat forever in the dr. office. She came 4 weeks early and was ok. Let us know what happens and we will be praying for you and your family!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck with everything this coming week, I hope it all goes great and without any complications. Glad you guys had a great christmas and a happy new year! Make sure and post pic's As soon as he's here:) Can't wait to see him.... Good Luck, your in our prayers!!!
ReplyDeleteOh wow! That is crazy I can't belive you are going to have the baby so soon. It has gone by fast. im sure everything will work out and be great. I would be so nervous though to. Let us know how things go and we will be thinking about you guys. Don't stress out to much. I know that is easier said then done hu?
ReplyDeleteOh Shanell! Keep us all updated! It is scary when they are in there and you can't visibly see them!
ReplyDeleteGood luck and take it easy...is there anything you can do to up your amniotic fluid? Drink lots of water??
ReplyDeletehey, i'm sorry about your drama, we had the same issues with gracie, for my last two months she didn't show any growth and i was measuring WAY small so i had a ton of ultrasounds and tests and she was induced early and it turned out that the large margin or error that is possible with ultrasounds was to blame because she was a full pound over their highest weight estimate. so hopefully your situation will be the same. good luck! we'll be praying for you and your little one!!
ReplyDeleteHey I have always said that if they aren't sure, the doctors shouldn't say stuff like that to freak us out. I had a similar experience at the end of my pregnancy (they thought her stomach was measuring large and she had a blockage of some sort) and had to see three different specialists and Josie was fine. But you just lay low and keep that baby happy, and everything will be fine. We will be praying for you, and are so excited for you and this new life that is so special.
ReplyDeleteHey Shanell I'm sorry about all the complications you are having. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. It is amazing the miracles that happen to make sure our little ones come out okay. Going through so much sure makes a person appreciate a new baby so much more... Good luck this week.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the baby. I wanted to catch you at church today and tell you that I would be thinking of you but didn't get the chance. I will keep checking in to see how things went.