
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

It's that time of year when everyone visits the good ol' pumpkin patch. We made our visit to the local patch on Sunday with the Cody & Nona Dyreng fam (thought I'd be specific, lots of Dyreng families in Gunnison).

We had fun picking out pumkins of all shapes and sizes.

Payton, Rilee, Talan, Kenna, & Dax
Here's what we ended up with....lots to carve this year.

Then Monday, our house got hit with something yucky. I had the flu, throwing up all day (TMI ??) and then that evening, Kennedi got a fever, and was complaining of ear aches and a soar throat.
She was so sick yesterday, that I took her to the doctor with a 103 temp to find out she has strep throat and both ears are infected....poor thing.
Then this morning, she woke up with a very bloody nose, and IT WOULD NOT STOP!!! She was totally freaked out and crying, and the harder she cried, the more it bled all over my house. I then was starting to panic and had to call Nurse Nona to come over and help get it to stop. FYI....I guess you don't lay down, your supposed to sit up and pinch the nostrils together....who knew??
Anyways, got it to finally stop, then got the blood out of my poor carpet (thank goodness the couches are leather). She is on antibiotics now and is feeling much better. Fingers crossed Dax doesn't catch any of it.


  1. Love your front door! Looks chilly there!
    Poor thing! I use to get bloody noses all the time as a kid so I know the sitting up and pinching trick...but I use to pinch the bridge of my nose to get it to stop!

  2. Ugh. Sounds like your family and your carpet are going through the ringer! I hope you all feel better soon!

    McKade got bloody noses religiously last year where they gushed and wouldn't stop. It was crazy! But yah, he had to get his nose cauterized and the ENT had us do the same thing. Just sit them and pinch the nostrils together so the blood won't come out. Eventually it clots and stops.
    Hope she doesn't get anymore!

  3. You can also put a button in front of her 2 front teeth (make sure it pushes up where her lip connects to her gums) that always stopped mine.

  4. That sucks Kennedi was so sick! I hope your over it soon too. It's so hard to be mom, when you don't feel good.

    On a lighter note... I love all the pumpkins. The picture of Ken and Dax is adorable!

  5. Hey Shanell, this is Kali Blackham, from summer games this year, just in case you forgot. Anyways I just happened to come upon your blog and thought that I would say hi. I can't believe how big your little boy has gotten. You have such adorable kids. Well, I hope that everything is going good.

  6. Oh yuck! Today Darin was sick and went and got tested for swine flu. Thank goodness he doesn't have it. It is just a virus of some kind of crap too. All the yucky things going sucks. Hope you guys are doing better.

  7. I'm sorry you guys have been sick! I have a great easy way to stop nose bleeds. I used to get them all the time growing up so my mom finally found a great trick. Call me sometime and I'll tell you:)

  8. That's so sad that you and Kennedi had such a rotten week being sick :( We hope your weeks get better. Halloween will be so much fun! We loved seeing you in Moab. Come visit again soon. Oh...Amber is having a boy : )
